Monday, February 3, 2014

Discussion Questions for the Week of 2/3


Post your discussion questions for this week under the "comments" section of this post.

One question for this week should be, What injustices are happening in the book (be specific)? How do the characters react to these situations?

You need to write THREE more discussion questions for your group this week.  Happy discussing!


Anonymous said...

Alysha urena - The Diary of a young Girl.

1. Why do you think Anne wrote about those people in her journal?
2. What does the writing in the journal tell us about Anne?
3. Why would Anne be kind to the people at her book on the day of her birthday if she doesn't write positive things about some people?

Meliza said...

What did the Anne drop when she was riding her bycyle and who picked up for her ?

What were 2 things that were taken away from Jews ?  

What subject did she doubt that she would fail ? 

What assignments did her math teacher assign her? Why? 

Katherine Aquino said...

What did Anne get for her birthday?

Do you think Anne enjoys writing in her diary? Why or why not?

What is the name of Anne's club with her friends?

What does Anne call her diary?

What does Anne call her dad?

Fernanda said...

1. What do you think the ending will be like? Will she live and be free or die?

2. What would you be Writting about if you were her?

3. If you was to meet Anne frank what would you tell her or ask her?

coolcat555 said...

What is going on so far in the book?
Who is getting set to the concentration camp?
Who do they tell about there hiding place?
Who is Hello?