Thursday, February 27, 2014

Final Discussion Questions (Feb. 27--Mar. 4)

This will be your final book discussion for this domain.  Your discussion questions should be about...

  • How the conflicts in your book get resolved
  • How the main characters have changed over the course of your book
  • What the main characters learned through their experiences
Post 4 discussion questions for your group under the comments section of this post.  Enjoy!


JA said...

1. What are some small conflicts Anne has personally?
2. Why does Anne prefer her Father more than her Mother?
3. How does Anne interact with Peter?
4. How did Anne feel about Mr. Dussel moving in to the Annex?

Jeralyn said...

Jeralyn ::
1.what is mainly happening in the book so far ?
2. Why does Anne like her father better than her mother ?
3. Why do you think the Jews are being treated this way ?
4. Who are the main characters so far

Mia said...

Mia ��

1.What has been the big issue so far?
2. How do think Anne is taking what's going on?
3. Who's your favorite character?why?
4. Do you think Anne's mom is a good mom?

Nicole said...

Nicole :
1. Why does Anne like her father more than her mother?
2. How is Anne relationship with her sister Margot?
3. Is Anne mother a good mom?
4. Is living in an annex complicated?